STAFF0624-ERICEric has lived all around the country, including Minnesota, Colorado, South Carolina, Florida, California, and Indiana. He served as senior pastor at Castleview Church in Indianapolis and associate pastor at Grace Community Church in Los Angeles under Pastor John MacArthur. 

Eric has a B.A. from Trinity International University, a M.Div. from The Master’s Seminaryand a Th.M. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. In addition to pastoring, Eric helped start the Indianapolis Theological Seminary, the Indianapolis Chapter of The Gospel Coalition, the Indy Sr. Pastors Network, and has served as a Fellow at The Mathena Center for Church Revitalization at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He also writes for 9MarksLigonier, and The Gospel Coalition

Eric’s passions include dating his wife of 28 years, hanging with his sons and daughter-in-law (24, 23, 22, 21) when they are in town, preaching, discipling men, and helping serve other pastors. His hobbies include anything that involves outdoors or loud music.

Summary: He is a gutter kid that God has been immeasurably gracious to.