Gospel Confirmation and Commission

March 12, 2023 Speaker: Eric Bancroft Series: Galatians

Passage: Galatians 2:1–10

The gospel is affirmed, not created, by the leaders of the church.

Understand the text:

  • The gospel is explained to the leaders (vs. 1-2)
  • The gospel is protected from the false Christians (vs. 3-5)
  • The gospel is to be presented to everyone (vs. 6-9)
  • The gospel should be illustrated with good works (vs. 10)

6 Implications from Gospel Clarity

  1. Ministry calling should be confirmed
  2. Not everyone who says they are a Christian is a Christian
  3. The spiritually immature should be protected
  4. The church has been entrusted with gospel accuracy and clarity
  5. Everyone needs to hear the gospel
  6. The gospel comes with help